Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Waste Management

The Need for Effective Waste Management Policies

Making waste management policies is the best approach to a new development where we can improve our waste outcomes throughout the plan, construction, and operational field of development. 

When a waste management policy is well executed it will help avoid excessive noise, odor, insecurity, and other hazardous problems which arise due to poorly planned waste processing. 

Consistent ongoing waste management policy can result in efficiencies for developers and building management through the integration of convenient waste bin collection frequencies. 

Waste management policy provides an optimal and thorough approach to managing waste by considering both the environmental and social benefits of reducing waste generation.     

For quite some time now, Nigeria for instance did not have any reasonable response to the waste problem in the country.

Considering our increase in population, the environment is always filled with waste due to the huge amount of waste coming from the daily activities of the citizens.

The National Waste Policy estimates that we produce 67 million tons of waste annually, of which 60% is generated by commercial, construction, and demolition activities.

Considering the important contribution made by the construction industry to the generation of waste, it is important to implement a waste management policy during the planning phase of a proposed new development.

The present authority generally requires a waste management plan to be submitted as part of the development application process to help facilitate waste management and reduction throughout the construction stage of the proposed development.

Proponents must provide calculations of demolition and construction waste in addition to comprehensive details of sustainable operation.

The information provided in a Waste Management policy is typically assessed against the Council and state government’s targets for minimizing waste generation and maximizing reuse and recycling.

A Waste Management policy outlines strategies to manage waste generated by the proposed development and divert waste from landfill by ensuring where possible, any waste generated is appropriately recycled or reused. 

All though, in July of the previous year, the federal executive council implemented the waste management policies for the country to improve the cleanliness of the country and facilitate the conversion of waste to wealth. It is to accomplish this that the government implemented policies on waste management.

These policies were meant to guide effective, sustainable, socially acceptable safe environment and sound management of solid waste management in Nigeria.

 Due to the way the environment is getting worse, one needs no expert knowledge to know that we need to make policies concerning waste management. Solid waste is one of the worst and most dreaded wastes in the world, and if not taken care of, it will cause serious damage to humans and animals.

Therefore, to manage this solid waste damage, waste management policies are of great importance, which is intended to make a whole framework for sustainable waste management in the country.

➢ Waste management policy is directed at promoting a clean and healthy environment for conducive socio-economic development of the nation.

➢ It is also aimed at reducing the huge amount of solid waste in our local communities, thereby reducing health issues.

➢ It also helps in the development of waste management infrastructure, promoting the private sector investments in solid waste management, promoting the 3Rs of managing solid waste (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle), it also helps in conserving natural resources and creating wealth and employment from waste management.

➢ Waste policies help to determine how your business deals with waste, from their staff operations to all the strategies.

➢ The policy is aimed at securing a quality environment that is adequate for their health and well-being.

➢ The policy is also implemented to create awareness and promote understanding of the important linkage between the environment and development.

➢ It helps to encourage individuals and the community to participate in environmental protection and improvement efforts.

➢ It directs and promotes an optimal and thorough approach to managing waste.

Waste management should cover the following:

1. Spell out who should be responsible for managing the waste.

2. Establish goals and objectives and ensure you follow up.

3. Estimate the amount of waste to be sent to the incinerator and landfill.

4. Describe the type of recycling and reuse method for each material.

5. Locate the destiny for dumping each waste.

6. List the measures for handling and dumping waste.

7. Track your progress.

The Objectives of the Waste Management Policies

Here we will be looking at what these policies are aiming at, and what are the intentions of these policies that were implemented.

1. To ensure that waste management is performed following all legislative requirements.

2. To reduce waste technology at facility repair, reuse, and recycling concerning the disposal of wastes.

3. To promote environmental knowledge to increase and encourage waste minimization.

4. To ensure the proper handling and storage of wastes.

5. To ensure that industries practice the best waste management process.

6. To promote environmental awareness to the citizens to increase appropriate waste recycling and reuse.

7. To appoint a competent resource person who could advise about waste management.

8. To reduce the amount of waste generated and ensure the repair, reuse, and recycling over the disposal of wastes.

9. The policy is aimed at providing clear roles and responsibilities to every individual, to coordinate the activity within the waste management chain.


Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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