The plastic recycling process involves the collecting and separation of scrap or plastic wastes so that it can be recycled into another purpose for reuse.
After the collected plastic waste items are melted into pellets, they are then used to make denser plastic items like chairs, tables, etc.
The use of plastics is increasing by almost 10% yearly but the disposal methods of plastic have not changed and that makes the situation hidden or difficult for us.
However, there are also other different factors that add to the existing problem.
Let’s take for example, there is no segregation (setting something apart from others) at the waste source.
Many people today still use one bin for different and all kinds of wastes including for plastic items.
Lack of awareness about setting some waste materials apart from each other often leads to a bigger problem.
According to research, plastic wastes makes up about 8% of total solid waste in India, and this plastic materials majorly comes from the use of single plastics items such as bags, cutleries, etc.
The problem is often cause by our inability to manage waste materials effectively i.e. the inability of humans to dispose our wastes properly.
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How to Control the Effects of Plastic Wastes on the Environment
Plastic items has value if utilized properly because if the plastic items are recycled, they can be made to form a recycled polyester which in turn is also made to produce several items like shoes, T-shirts, bags, etc., thereby causing less strain on natural resources.
Every person can contribute by making small changes in their plastic consumption dumping process.
To begin with this, let’s follow some simple basic rules which include;
1. After using any plastic product, wash it with clean water
2. Crush the bottle or container
3. The plastic wastes should be stored separately from the wet wastes
4. Then simply handover all your plastic waste items to any plastic agent near you for recycling / repurposing.
5. To encourage an effective plastic waste disposal, segregation at the source must be carried out.
There is no complete segregation at the main source in India for instance because there is only minimal awareness and information about the plastic recycling process.
The clean segregated plastics should always be sent for recycling through recycling centers near me/you or rag pickers.
Read Also: How to Properly Dispose your Waste Plastic Items
It is necessary for us to understand that we all have polluted our surroundings either knowingly or unknowingly by neglecting the way we use and dispose our plastics materials after use.
To improve the quality of living, we still have to go back to the basics we had once learned in school which includes: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Educate.
As a way of creating the awareness, it is therefore important to introduce different sessions on plastic recycling awareness and collection in schools, colleges, corporate offices, malls, festive and social gatherings, events, etc.
This will also help to create more business opportunities for waste pickers to collect used but clean plastics through various methods or channels.
It helps to save time for them as people already kept and arranged their plastic wastes well separated at the source and that can be sent for recycling directly.
The will also without any doubt help waste pickers to collect large amounts of clean plastics at a time which will in return generate good income for them.
The introduction of plastic recycling process has been an inspiring initiative as it is more than just a responsibility. It helps in the following:
1. Conserving natural resources
2. Saving landfill space
3. Reducing CO2 emission
4. Preserving flora fauna
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Human actions have caused or forced the imbalance in the environment that continues to affect entire nature.
However, effective factors like;
1) Segregating plastic wastes from the wet wastes
2) Prohibiting used plastic items such as straws, cutlery, etc.
3) Disposing the plastic waste materials properly
4) Proper handing over of the plastic waste items for recycling, and many more can make a very huge impact if followed by every individual or person.
In conclusion to this article, let’s recycle plastics responsibly and try to contribute to a cleaner environment.
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