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Safety Measures in the Transportation of Pesticides

A good understanding of the safety measures to follow in the transport and use of pesticides will ensure that the risk of any adverse impact following their use can be greatly minimized.

Pesticides when carefully applied, used only when needed, can contribute to higher productivity and allow us to feed and protect the growing human population while leaving the environment and human lives relatively safe.

This requires much better education and practical training with certification so that pesticides are indeed applied more accurately and with greater safety than in the past.

Transportation of Pesticides

This refers to the movement of pesticides from one location to another. This guidance may apply to storage, normally for less than 24-hour periods, in vehicles, bowsers and sprayers stocked from a fixed store.

Safety Measures in the Transportation of Pesticides

Be aware of any local legislation regarding the transport of products.

Be prepared for any accidental spillage or emergency situation.

Transport separately products or spraying equipment from foodstuff, livestock or humans.

Ensure crop protection products are in their original containers and that the seals are still OK and tightened to avoid the possibility of leaks and spills.

When transporting spraying equipment ensure it is washed and clean before leaving the field.

Clean up any spillages using absorbent material such as sand or soil.

If transporting heavy containers ensure that there is equipment available to enable safe on and off loading.

Safety Measures in the Transportation of Pesticides

When transporting products from the farmstead to the field only take what is required for the job, always transport in the original containers, do not decant.

In conclusion, it is obvious from the foregoing, that adequate knowledge of, as well as strict adherence to the safety measures suggested will go a long way to minimize the attendant risks accrued to pesticide transport and use.

Legislative bodies should therefore make it a point of duty to provide adequate education to the handlers of plant and animal protection chemicals relating to the safety of human and the environment.

Read Also : Management of Hazardous Wastes in the Environment

These bodies should also ensure/enforce compliance to the safety measure by users of pesticides. This will not only ensure access to healthy food but will also guaranty a near safe environment.

The safety measures to accompany transportation of pesticide from one location to the other;

The things to do and not to do while using any of the past control chemicals available for use in crop and animal protection;

The various ways a pesticide applicator may be exposed to pesticides, the degree of exposure; and

How to protect the various body parts through which pesticides can gain entry into the body.

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