All fumigant products must be stored in a locked, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. Do not risk contamination of water, food, or feed by storing these products in the same area as other pesticides.
Fumigants should not be stored in buildings that animals or humans occupy. It should be remembered that all pesticides and their empty containers should be kept out of reach of children.
Specifically, methyl bromide cylinders should be handled with care; they should not be dropped, bumped, or dragged or slid from one place to another.
Only transport these cylinders on hand trucks, or similar devices to which the cylinders can be firmly secured.
Do not remove the valve protection bonnet and safety cap until immediately before use, and always ensure that the cap is in place when the cylinder is not in use. Empty cylinders should be closed securely with safety cap.
Make sure the protection bonnet is in place and return the empty cylinder to the shipper. THESE CYLINDERS MUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE.
Some aluminum phosphide products are supplied in relatively gas-tight, resealable aluminum flasks, which should not be opened and exposed to atmospheric moisture any longer than is absolutely necessary to remove the products.
Tightly reseal partially empty containers and mark them as partially used. Triple-rinse empty flasks and stoppers with water and offer them for recycling or puncture and dispose of the flasks in an approved sanitary landfill or use other local and state approved procedures. Dispose of the rinsate in the same way or by other means given in the labeling.
If properly exposed, the dust remaining after fumigation with hydrogen phosphide products will be gray-white and contain only a small amount of unreacted aluminum or magnesium phosphide.
Read Also : Factors Affecting the Mobility of Other Toxicants in Soil
Residual dust from an incompletely exposed product, the so-called “green dust” needs special deactivation and disposal procedures.

Small amounts may be disposed of by a “dry” method, while large quantities must be disposed of by a “wet” method, in which the residual dust is deactivated in a detergent or surfactant and water solution. Follow the detailed directions EXACTLY as they are on the product labels.
Triple-rinse liquid soil fumigant containers and dispose of the rinsate in the field just treated. The containers can then be offered for recycling or punctured and disposed of in the same way as other pesticide containers.
In conclusion, from the foregoing, it can be concluded that since fumigants are broadly toxic and hazardous to use, fumigations must be done by highly skilled and experienced, licensed fumigators.
For space fumigation to be done successfully, it must be carried out in enclosed spaces, structures or sites that must be tightly sealed.
Fumigators must use protective equipment to prevent injury or loss of life if they are likely to be exposed to gas levels above the allowable limits. It is necessary to follow exactly the label recommendations concerning specific protective equipment and clothing for each fumigant product.
Fumigation is the use of poisonous gases to kill pests in an enclosed area and it is the most effective way to reach pests in their most remote hiding places.;
The two types of fumigation commonly used are space fumigation and soil fumigation;
Factors modifying fumigant effectiveness when selecting a formulation include 1) pests to be controlled, 2) temperature, 3) moisture, 4) structure to be fumigated, and 5) method of application;
Most fumigants are highly toxic and can cause serious illness or death if small amounts are inhaled;
All fumigant products must be stored in a locked, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat; and
A spill of aluminum or magnesium phosphide products may generate high levels of phosphine gas, hence all personnel must wear a respirator for spill cleanup.