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List of Recycled Products that can be Produced from Animal by-products

Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products

Animal by-products or byproducts are defined as anything derived from the body of livestock/animals after killing and processing that is different from the meat. They are also referred to as livestock byproducts or coproducts. An animal by-product can be used as a needed ingredient for the production of many other vital products.

List of Animal by-products

  • Milk
  • Animal flesh or skin
  • Animal Blood
  • Eggs
  • Animal Fats
  • Gelatin

The type of animal by-product derived depends on the type of animal. The list of animal by-products above is very common and is further explained below with the list of all recycled products that can be produced from Animal by-products.

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Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products


Animal Milk as a by-product of livestock has so many Recycled products. Some of these may include:

  • Milk in the production of cheese
  • Milk in the producing yogurt
  • Milk in the production of cream e.g Butter and most cream used in baking
  • Production of Casein- used for making plastics, glues, latex condoms, and paints

Animal flesh or skin

  • Animal flesh or skin in the production of gloves
  • Animal flesh or skin in the production of shoes
  • Animal skin in producing home furniture leather
  • Animal skin in the production of blanket

Animal Blood

Albumen in blood plasma is used in the production of Adhesive used in making plywood. Blood can also be used in the production of blood meals, and blood sausages and even some reagents used in laboratory tests are produced from animal blood.


Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products
  • The oil in the yolk of an egg is used as an anti-bacterial agent
  • The Yolk can also serve as a skin conditioner
  • Lecithin which is found in food can be extracted from Animal Egg

Animal Fats

Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products
  • Vehicle Tires are produced from an acid called STERIC ACID which is derived from Animal Fat.
  • A by-product of animal fat called Glycerol is used in the production of paints, plastics, and toothpaste.
  • Production of soap, herbicides, asphalt, detergents, and insecticides is derived using Fatty Acid which is gotten from Animal Fat. Fatty Acid is also important in the production of lubricants and paints; it also perfumes, polishes, shaving creams, and deodorants. This shows how important Fatty Acid is in production.
  • Tallow which is an animal Fat can be used in the production of candles, since Tallow is readily available and it is waxy in nature it is used in the production of banknotes made of polymer.

Read Also: List of Recycled Products that Can be Produced from Agricultural Waste

Lists of animals products derived from fats

  • Candles-
  • Ceramics
  • Detergents and Soaps
  • Perfumes
  • Toothpaste
  • Insecticides
  • Cellophane
  • Mouthwash
  • Paints
  • Paper
  • Pet Foods
  • Crayons


Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products
  • The Gelatin which is obtained from the bones and ligaments of cattle is used in food recipes, like making a dessert( Gelatin dessert), ice cream, candies, marshmallows, and jellies.
  • The gelatin in the production of cosmetics products.
  • The gelatin in producing photographic film.
  • The match stick head uses Gelatin as a binder, also it can be used in producing sandpaper.

The Cattle by-product

Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products

The blood of cattle is a vital cattle by-product that is rich in protein and heme iron. Cattle blood can be used in the production of bread, blood cake, blood pudding, and sausages.  Cattle by-products like blood can also be used for the making of important feedstuff (as blood meal), fertilizers, and binders.

Hides and skins: animal or cattle skins have been used in the production of sacks, clothing, or shelters. skins of Cattle are also used in the production of belts, leather shoes, leather bags, glues, wallets, gloves, gelatine, and bags.

The outer covering of all capsules is made with Gelatin produced from collagen which is a cattle by-product.

Bones can be used for making soap, usually from the ash produced from the burning of cattle bones.

The gallstones obtained from cattle are used for producing necklaces or pendants. These same gallstones are described to have an aphrodisiac effect.

The consumption of heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and many other parts of cattle other than the muscle meat is also used for consumption.

Heparin, which is defined as an important anticoagulant is extracted from the lungs, liver, and lining of the small intestines of cattle.

The cattle hair is used for producing paintbrushes.

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The Pork by-Products

The Pig skin is used as a vital replacement to cover burns or skin ulcers. The skin of a pig is similar to human skin, thereby enabling its use as a dressing for burns.

Pig’s heart valves can be used effectively to replace that of humans.

Lard is a fat gotten from the abdomen of a pig and is used for the production of cream, soaps, and in baking such as for making patties.

The Poultry by-products

The feathers of poultry can be degraded by a bacterium known as Bacillus licheniformis, this bacterium ferments the feathers into a digestible protein called feather lysate which is a great source of protein in feed production.

Poultry Birds Litter is used as a source of organic manure.

Poultry Eggshells can be used as a rich and vital source of calcium in feed production.

Products that can be Derived from Animal by-products

Fish By-Products

Fish is a very great source of protein for humans and the by-products have essential economic and health importance. When fish wastes are treated, they can be grouped into various by-products.

 Fishbones and flesh are used in all Animal feed production. The fish bones provide calcium and its flesh is a great source of protein.

Biodiesel or biogas can be derived from the organic matter of fish when oxygen is absent – leading to carbon and methane production. This methane can be used for cooking.

Production of Dietetic such as infant formulae, foods with nutrition, sports, food for all elderly, and bodybuilding vital products can be derived from fish by-products.

Fish oil gotten from oily fish such as herring, tuna, mackerel, and salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is very vital for the body, especially in lowering triglyceride levels.

Chitosan is a type of sugar obtained from the outer shell of shellfish such as crab, shrimp, or lobster and it is used for the control of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity.

Collagen derived from fish by-products can be used in cosmetics as a healing aid for any patients with burns, in bone reconstruction, and as an important artificial skin substitute.

Read Also: Uses of Animal Products and By-products

List of other Animal By-products, Uses, and how they are obtained

Catgut is used for making surgical sutures and also for the production of strings in musical instruments or the strings of tennis rackets. The intestines of animals like sheep or horses are twisted and then dried and will be used for making catgut. Other sources from which catgut can be obtained include: cattle (from the tendons), goats, pigs mules (or donkeys)

Wool from the sheep and cashmere from other species of goats is used for producing clothing such as socks, sweaters, scarves, etc.

Honey is produced by Bees, it can be used as a top sweetener, and also honey is used for making soaps, and most lotions, it’s also important in the field of medicine. Honey also helps in wound dressing with its anti-bacterial property.

Beeswax is vital for producing candles, lipstick, shoe polish, crayons, and bubble gums. It is also a resource for the production of floor wax and lotions.

Castoreum derived from beavers is used as a flavoring resource in flouring foods and also in most perfumes. It was used in medieval times as a bait or scent in attracting bees for honey.

Lanolin – a wax-like material with a greasy consistency is derived from the skin of an animal with wool such as sheep. Lanolin is used for producing lubricants, balms, lotions, creams, and soaps, and as a coating for roofs to help prevent rusting.

Isinglass – this is derived from fish most especially the sturgeon and used mainly for fining wine and beer, and also in producing glues and jellies. It is eatable and was used in desserts before gelatin production, which is less expensive to make compared to isinglass.

Swiftlets Nest – some core species of birds called Swiftlets can use their saliva to produce a nest; this type of nest is edible and can be used for producing soup.

Shellac – this is the refined resin derived from a bug known as Lac insect (Lac Bug) with the scientific name Laccifer lacca; this insect is a vital parasite that is found on a particular tree. The resin from the lac bug is called Lac and after its refined is called Shellac. When dissolved in alcohol, a liquid form of shellac can be used in glazing food, as a colorant, in nail polish, and in the finishing of wood.

L-cysteine is simply an amino acid produced from human hair and also from the bristles of pigs. It is a vital additive or ingredient in bread and biscuits.

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