Community level composting may be resorted to when management of solid waste at household level is not possible. For community level composting, the waste managers should select a suitable site as compost yard for the village.
Site should be selected taking into consideration wind flow direction, so that the inhabited areas don’t get any foul odor. The site should be easily accessible for transportation of waste and manure. It should not be a low lying area to avoid water logging.
Size of the Pit – Depth of the pit should not be more than 1 meter and width should not exceed 1.5 meter. Length of the pit may go up to 3 meter. In the pit, waste takes about 4-6 months to compost. Hence, adequate number of pits will be required.
Distance between two pits should be more than 1.5 meter. While digging pits, adequate care should be taken to ensure that there is adequate facility to transport the garbage and store the manure.
Read Also : Composting (Manure Pit) Description
Underground Unlined Manure Pit or Garbage Pit Underground Unlined Manure Pit or Garbage Pit
Rural areas with low rainfall
Villages where there is lack of space at household level for composting.
Dig adequate number of pits of not more than 1m (depth) x 1.5m (width) x 3m (length) dimension depending upon quantum of garbage generated
Make a ridge with the help of soil at the periphery of the pit & compact it by light ramming.
Usea nd Maintenance of the Pits
Go on adding collected garbage in the pits (only biodegradable type)
Wherever possible, it is advisable to add cow dung slurry to the garbage to enhance the composting process

Spread a very thin layer of soil over it (once a week) to avoid odour and fly nuisance
Continue to add garbage everyday
Follow the above procedure & repeat the layers till the pit is full. It is recommended to fill the pit up to about 300 mm above ground level
After 3-4 days the garbage above ground settles down
Plaster it with soil
Leave the pit as it is for 3-6 months for maturation and start other pits sequentially
After 3-6 months take out the compost & use it in the fields.
Not suitable for heavy rainfall areas and rocky terrain.
Capital intensive option.
Over- Ground Heap
Rural areas with high rainfall and rocky terrain
Villages where there is lack of space at household level for composting.
Make a raised platform of 1.5m x 3m dimension at a suitable site by ramming the soil or by paving with bricks.
Use and Maintenance of the Heap
Go on adding garbage collected from the houses over the platform (only biodegradable type)
Wherever possible, it is advisable to add cow dung slurry to the garbage to enhance the composting process
Spread a very thin layer of soil over it (once a week) to avoid odour & fly nuisance
Continue to add garbage everyday
The heaps should be sprinkled with water periodically to maintain the moisture level
Follow the above procedure & repeat the layers till the heap attains the height of 0.8m.
After 3-4 days the garbage above ground settles down
Plaster it with soil
Leave the heap as it is for 3-6 months for maturation and start another heap
After 3-6 months take out the compost & use it in the fields
Till the manure in the heap matures, make another heap of the same dimensions at a minimum distance of 1 m from the first heap.
Over-ground BrickLined Compost Tank
Rural areas with high rainfall and rocky terrain
Villages where there is lack of space at household level for composting.
Make adequate number of compost tanks of dimension 0.8 m height, 1.5 m width and 3 m length in honey comb 225 mm thick brick masonry.
Plaster the top layer of the tank.
Read Also : Household Level Composting (Manure Pit)
Use and Maintenance of the Tank
Go on adding collected garbage from the houses in the tank (only biodegradable type)
Wherever possible, it is advisable to add cow dung slurry to the garbage to enhance the composting process
Spread a very thin (1-2 inch) layer of soil over it (once a week ) to avoid odour and fly nuisance
Continue to add garbage everyday
Follow the above procedure & repeat the layers till the heap attains the height of 1m.
After 3-4 days the garbage above ground settles down